Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hector McDonald Zoe

Hector Archibald Macdonald was one of the most famous British soldiers of the late 19th century. He had an outstanding reputation for great bravery. Sophie: At the age of 15, hector MacDonald was apprenticed in Dingwall to a draper, and when he was 17 he decided it was time to go into military life so he added a year on to his real age and he moved on to the Royal Clan Tartan and Tweed Warehouse In Inverness . He rose rapidly through the ranks and eventually became a major- general. He first saw action and was commissioned as an officer in the SecondAfghan War in the late 1870s, then distinguished himself in the battle of Majuba Hill in South Africa 1881. Zoe: After working In Britain and Ireland, he was sent to Egypt in 1884. Here he recruited and trained a load of Sudan soldiers that he led Into several victory battles. including one of the most legendary in British history, Omdurman. In 1902 the army sent MacDonald to India to take up a regional command, but he was there for only a short while before being moved to Ceylon as Commanding Officer of British forces.Sophie: But after only 11 months MacDonald was summoned and told he must return to England to answer very grave charges†. Although details still remain unclear, MacDonald was alleged to have committed sexual acts with four Ceylonese youths or to have exposed himself In a train carriage with 70 schoolboys but there Is still so solid proof that he was even gay. Zoe: The brilliant career of a national hero came to an end on the 25th March 1903. While serving in Ceylon grave charges of homosexuality were made against him.Having been sent to England on leave he was returning to Ceylon via Paris to face a court Marshall. In his hotel he read a New York Times report of the charges against him and in despair over it went to his room and committed suicide. Sophie: After his death It was uncovered that he had a secret wife and son. HIS widow arranged for her husband to be buried in secret at 6am on Monday 30th March in Dean Cemetery in Edinburgh. The public was shocked not only at the allegations but also at the arrangements of the funeral.On the first Sunday after his burial 30,000 people visited the grave. People queued for up to three hours to pay their respects and there were so many flowers that the superintendent of the cemetery refused to have any more placed. Zoe His wife Christina died in 1911 and was buried next to her husband. Their son, Hector became an engineer in North Shields. He was thought of as stern, gloomy and unsociable; he never married and became excluded from his surrounding community. He died in 1951 and is buried with his parents. IOFI sofi By sofldontcareSophie: At the age of 1 5, hector MacDonald was apprenticed in Dingwall to a draper, in Inverness . He rose rapidly through the ranks and eventually became a major- Afghan War in the late 1870s, then distinguished himself in the battle of MaJuba Hill Zoe: After working in Britain and Ireland, he was sent t o Egypt in 1884. Here he recruited and trained a load of Sudan soldiers that he led into several victory battles, youths or to have exposed himself in a train carriage with 70 schoolboys but there is Sophie: After his death it was uncovered that he had a secret wife and son. His

Friday, August 30, 2019

Computer and Enrollment

Chapter I: Background of the Study Introduction The technology todays plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. The discovery of computer was the great function of modernity for different to make work easier, more capable and more adaptable for the humanity. This desire to simplify lives and perform more effectively creates a new technology for improving lives within our society. Because need exist, man developed and applied technology to fill those needs. Technology is one of the tools to solved man’s craving for their needs.It made the man more efficient for students and provide path to communicate to entire earth. Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software application or computer system to make work easier and efficient. Information technology can give a company ready access to improve product and service quality, reduce costs, increase productivity in smallest time possible, and communication between employees and to make thi ngs with lesser effort but having better output and even improve quality. Computerization is a control system that manages processes in industrial workplace.It reduced human errors and processing time, thus it can boost productivity and resulted into high quality of product produce. In Information System, computerization is concerned about interrelating different but interdependent transactions. This can result in a system with well-integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system. Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called Enrollment System.Enrollment System is used particularly in recording and retrieving students’ information. Tracking students’ information is also one feature of Enrollment System, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. Verifying payments was also added to update or browse students’ billings. Enrollment System is a good example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the school. As a result, it  will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole.The system design project, Enrollment System that will provide the needed and storing information in a faster,    more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. This will also serve as information especially for the irregular students, freshmen, transferee, and professor in able to get access in course, subject, professor, and student enrollees. This information here can be viewed in just a second without worrying that a single file is lost.The idea behind a enrollment system is not a new concept. As student enrollees increase every year, enrollment procedure become harder to deal. This will only serve to increase the problem facing enrollment that provides more easy way in enrolling. A computer based system is a system in which the computer plays a major role and this kind of system is needed by every companies and institutions nowadays. This is the best way of storing and retrieving data on a server or hard disk rather than using papers and file cabinets.This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff especially under the computer department because they are the one who are entitled to touch and read the information from here. It will help our institution to have another system that will upgrade the enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that our institutions are trying to meet. This study is to know if Computerization is very much in need in Enrollment System of Montessori Professional College. We conducted reserches and survey to get information from the student to know what does computerization can give to improve this institution. Significance of the StudyThis study aimed impart to the mind of the readers the importance of the technolgy in an institution. The advantages and disadvantages ofusing this extra-ordinary creation of man. How the students and employee will respond if this computerization will be implemented. The reason why the researchers conduct this study is because of the reason that many of students having difficulty in enrolling because of Manual Operation Enrollment in Montessori Professional College. This study will may be a references from the administration to implent or not the Computerization Enrollment System. To avoid some conflict to the students nd administration the survey we prepared have no means of any identifacation, and the actual Survey Report will be kept secretly by the reserachers. After this study, we will determined how the students will respond to the Computerization, the current experiences encountered by the students in Montessori Professional College while enrolling, t he comment of the employee regarding this proposal. The actual percentage of the agree and disagree students to the survey conducted. This study also serves as a references in Administration of Montessori Professional College to change the current Enrollment System.. . Defnition of TermsComputer-is a general purpose device that can be  programmed  to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Manual Operation- Any processing operation performed by hand. Computerized- To furnish with a computer or computer system. To enter, process, or store (information) in a computer or system of computers. Institution- is any  structure  or  mechanism  of  social order  and  cooperation  governing the  behaviorof a set of  individuals  within a given community — may it be human or a specific animal one.Institutions are identified with a  s ocial purpose, transcending individuals and intentions by mediating the rules that govern cooperative living behavior. Enrollment- The act or process of enrolling, The act or process of enrolling, A record or an entry. System- is a  set  of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of  elements   and  relationshipswhich are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets. Boredom-is an  emotional  state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular to do, and not interested in their surroundings.Administration- The act or process of administering, especially the management of a government or large institution. The activity of a government or state in the exercise of its powers and duties. Students- is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. In some nations, the English term is reserved for those who attend  university, while a schoolchild under the age of eighteen is called a  pupil  in English . In its widest use,  student  is used for anyone who is  learning.Employee- A  person  who is hired to provide  services  to a  company  on a  regular  basis in  exchange  for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent  business. Survey- A  detailed  study  of a  market  or geographical area to gather  data  on  attitudes,  impressions,  opinions,  satisfaction  level, etc. , by polling a  section  of the  population. Research- is formal work undertaken systematically to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications CHAPTER II: Project Description Statement of the Problem 1.How does Manual Operation in Enrollment affect the Institution’s image to the students? 2. What was the advantages and disadvantages of using Manual Operation i n Enrollment? 3. In Montessori Professional College, does Manual Operation in Enrollment was still effective? 4. What was the advatages and disadvantages of Computerization of Enrollment System? 5. How will Computerized Enrollment System affect Montessori College System? 6. Would the student agree if the administration apply this new system in Montessori Professional College? 7. If Computerized Enrollment System will be implemented, how will the employee respond to the new system?Proposed Research Project Scope and Dilimitation Out of all the students in Montessori Professional College, 50 students were randomly selected to be used as a sample in conducting survey about the curent Enrollment System. This study limits only to those who were studying in MPC. Its main purpose is to determined the comment of the students with regard to the existing system. The advantages and disanvantages of Manual and Computerized Enrollment System. This study considers every aspect of students persona l information that has an impact on their academic performances as their educational background, allowance, gender and age.Each of the respondents are given same questionnaire to answer. And this study focuses on the current student of the present academic year 2012 – 2013. General Objectives This study was aiming to impart to the mind of the reader the importance of innovation in an Institution. Specific Objectives This study aims to create an idea for the current Adminstration of Montessori Professional College to change the old system of the enrollment as a demand of students to lessen the work but with greater payoff. Scope and Limitation Cases Study on Computerized Enrollment System A computerized enrollment system is a multi-function processing operation.Computerization of enrollment information interrelates different yet interdependent transactions in a systematized and functional way. The use of computerized enrollment systems by organizations to help coordinate peopl e and information is increasing throughout the world. Many experts cite numerous reasons why computerized   enrollment systems are viable choices for schools, training programs and workplace operations. Educational institutions, such as colleges and grade schools, are assessed for a case  study. Computerized enrollment systems for educational services and training programs reduce processing time and human errors.Online automated systems, which accept and organize enrollee information, can boost productivity. Systems operations proceed faster, more efficiently and with greater accuracy than manual enrollment systems. Programs are comprehensive and capable of handling all interrelated processes, including: completion of all related forms; development, organization and maintenance of files; creation of master lists and other special reports; fee assessments and balances; departmentalized accounts receivable reports; class schedules; and record  updates.Computer generated enrollme nt solutions afford students choices like options for payment 24/7 that can benefit the whole operation. Systems typically include data protection and backup frameworks. Student enrollees have access to their personal information only. School personnel are able to keep up with teacher and student photos, grade point averages and other pertinent identification data, such as grades, quizzes and any other modules that are considered necessary for efficient administration.Modifications in school policies and requirements are easily edited online. Career guidance and evaluations are facilitated and traceable. What the online enrollment program effectively amounts to is a self-service, on-demand student and administrator friendly guide and process optimizer. Employee workload is decreased and administrators can spend more time giving students more personalized attention and encouragement. Also, the enrollment system is compatible with mobile app versions for students and school staff. In Philippine Setting

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Global Warming †Persuasive Essay Essay

The United States of America constitute four percent of the world’s population, yet produce one-fourth of the world’s carbon dioxide (Arbitrage 2005). It has been controversial if carbon dioxide is causing to rise the world’s temperature with long-term destruction to the environment or not. This research involves trying to find out if in fact global warming is happening or not. There are climate research findings which state global warming is happening, and there are also findings that this man-caused climate change is not evident. To the layman person, the conflicted issue can be rather confusing. The goal of this paper is to show which argument is stronger. International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), the interest group which focuses on publicizing the consequences of ill-advised ideas of global warming. Its goal is to create awareness about rational discussion about climate changes, in so doing, moving the debate away from implementation of costly, dangerous, and ineffectual energy sources such as wind turbines, solar power, and biofuels. The core principles consist of ten criteria; however, these core principles can be overthrown with scientific discoveries by global warming activists such as EDF. The interest group, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), focuses on preserving the natural systems on which all life depends. Its mission is to find practical and lasting solution to the most serious environmental problems. ICSC (global warming skeptic) states the first core principle as following. 1.) Global climate is always changing in accordance with natural causes and recent changes are not unusual. To answer the Regarding the climate change issue, EDF stated that humans are causing global warming by two main actions burning fossil fuels and deforestation which causes large amounts of carbon dioxide to be released in the atmosphere and act as a greenhouse. The second core principle is 2.) Science is rapidly evolving away from the view that humanity’s emissions of carbon dioxide and other ‘greenhouse gases’ are a cause of dangerous climate change. EDF disputes, as the earth’s atmosphere plays a great role in the climate for an example the earth and the moon is the same distance from the sun but they both have drastic differences in temperature. Greenhouse gases are what keep the earth habitable because it acts like a giant blanket the more greenhouse gasses the hotter the earth becomes. The third core  principle is 3.) Climate models used by the IPCC, United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, fail to reproduce known past climat es without manipulation and therefore lack the scientific integrity needed for use in climate prediction and related policy decision-making. EDF defends that the EDF is not the only interest group that is supporting climate change for an example the IPCC has done research involving climate change without the use of manipulation. The IPCC has also made an assessment report on the reliability of their climate models stating the reliability of their conclusion. The fourth core principle is 4.) The UN IPCC Summary for Policymakers and the assertions of IPCC executives too often seriously misrepresent the conclusions of their own scientific reports. EDF states the IPCC once again made assessments of their own scientific reports reducing their misrepresentation of their conclusions. The fifth core principle is 5.) Claims that ‘consensus’ exists among climate experts regarding the causes of the modest warning of the past century are contradicted by thousands of independent scientists. EDF declares International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) has stated that many independent scientist debunked the fact that many scientist have a consensus on views but this is generally untrue because according to the National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) ninety-seven percent of the climate scientists agree that climate warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of American scientific societies who gave statements on climate change: American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Chemical Society, American Geophysical Union, American Medical Association, American Meteorological Society, American Physical Society, and The Geological Society of America. The sixth core principle is 6.) Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant – it is a necessary in plant photosynthesis and so is essential for life on earth. EDF came back with the ICSC has also stated that carbon dioxide is beneficial and It is true that carbon dioxide is a necessary factor as it is essential for life on earth but excessive carbon dioxide can disturb the balance of the greenhouse gasses which is harmful in great amounts. The seventh core principle is 7.) Research that identifies the Sun as a major driver of global climate change must be taken more seriously. EDF  argued the sun is a major driver of global climate change in the sens e that it is what gives us heat it is the atmosphere that regulates temperature it is important to keep our environment steady and it is taken extremely seriously. The eighth core principle is 8. ) Global cooling has presented serious problems for human society and the environment throughout history while global warming has generally been highly beneficial. EDF’s argument was that due to global warming many travesties like Drought, insect overpopulation, disease spread, rising sea levels and weather related disasters have occurred. The ninth core principle is 9.) It is not possible to reliably predict how climate will change in the future, beyond the certainty that multi-decadal warming and cooling trends, and abrupt changes, will all continue, underscoring a need for effective adaptation. EDF’s answer was it is impossible to reliably predict how the climate will change in the future but you cannot deny the evidence that the earth is progressively heating at a rapid level. EDF also states that scientists are almost certain that the humans are the utmost cause of global warming. The tenth core principle is 10.) Since science and observation have failed to substantiate the human-caused climate change hypothesis, it is premature to damage national economies with ‘carbon’ taxes, emissions trading or other schemes to control ‘greenhouse gas’ emissions. EDF, once again, stated the ICSC states that carbon tax will just destroy the economy but carbon tax will decrease the use of fossil fuels which may be a limited source and will help organizations efforts to decrease greenhouse gasses. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which COMMITS its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets. From United Nation web:

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bachelor Thesis on Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Bachelor Thesis on Marketing - Essay Example When network marketing is introduced the it makes the customer to remember the ad, billboard or any other visual display he viewed regarding that product. Then it makes double impact on him as the situation contains both the effects of mouth publicity(by network marketing volunteers) and the impact of the visual advertisement. This gives a higher probability in making the customer buy that product. It is an important idea or a combination, whatever we may think, which is worth enough to contemplate and to do research about it on any background like that of a major in graduation of Post Graduation. It is innovative and important because it involves both technology and strategy while executing the idea. The approaching and methodology itself makes it to stand apart from the other ideas and strategies. This method involves the skill in applying technology in visual display and strategy in improving network for marketing. History of our planet proves that adapting to change is the only way to survive. Those who do not or cannot adapt, become extinct. This is true of plants, animals (including human beings) and even brands. Brands that do not change disappear from the marketplaceand the consumer's mind. In the recent years the pace of change has increased manifold and consequently the time available to adapt to changes has shrunk considerably. The problem with many of us is that we think of future as faraway. The future is here. It's not some event that will take place five, 10 or 20 years from now. It is something that is as close as tomorrow. The pace of change in the recent years has shortened the distance between yesterday, today and tomorrow. In preparing brands to survive into the future, it might help to look to the past and see how brands have evolved. The first real "brands" began to emerge at around the same time as marketing began emerging as a serious business management discipline way bac k in the late 19th and early 20th century. By the mid-1900s, marketing had already established itself as a central business function and the four Ps became the tactical tools of marketers. Over the next 30-40 years, marketing as a strategic business function has evolved constantly to adapt to continuous and discontinuous market changes. Concepts such as segmentation, differentiation and competitive advantage emerged and proved extremely useful to marketers in successfully introducing and establishing brands. But things have been seem to be changed from the last decade. Technology and product breakthroughs, discovery of newer markets (when the older ones are stagnated), rising incomes, and telecom and media revolution have necessitated newer and innovative marketing approaches, because the time to react to competition is shorter than ever before and there is little scope for blunders. The present day consumers are unforgiving and punish brands that do not live up to their promise by shifting their loyalties to other brands unlike yesteryears' customers. No wonder so many brands of past have just disappeared from the shelves. Most of the brands which enjoyed uninterrupted reputation in the past market were now seen rare and nowhere close to their

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Field project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Field project - Essay Example Most of the Buddhists describe Buddha as a true teacher who awakened them from their ignorance. By this, Buddha ensured that they attained the highest form of happiness that humans can ever achieve. After all these years, Buddhists still believe and practice their culture. I interviewed Ashoka, a strong Buddhist, on some aspects of their religion and I was surprised at some of their practices. Beliefs One of the strongest beliefs of Buddhists is that there is no supernatural being, unlike other religions such as Christianity and Islam. Their god was human and so they believe that all people are equal and should respect each other. Buddhists also believe that whatever they hear or read has to be tested. This is unlike most religions that discourage testing of anything that has been said by their gods. Buddhists, however, believe that if something is written in their holy books, then they have the right to test it to be assured that it is true. This, therefore, creates a faith that is transparent and where followers are not subjected to impossible temptations that they cannot overcome and question. Buddhists have the right to question their holy books as well as their god if they have evidence to do so (Patrick, 1982). Buddhists also have many gods. Unlike most religions which followers only believe in one god, Buddhists have a varying number of gods. Some have as many as thousands of gods while others have no god at all. For this, Buddhists believe that one should never argue about the existence of god and they have a saying that they would rather die than argue on god’s existence. The other major belief of Buddhists is the karma belief. This is the belief given especially to children. They are told that if they do wrong, they will get karma which in most cases is considered to be the exact equivalent of what wrong the child has done. Due to this, most of the Buddhist children are upright and in most cases would avoid wrong things. One of the most practic ed beliefs about Buddhists which Ashoka gave me a quick review of is the importance of listening to teachers. Buddhists believe that it is very important for people to listen to their teacher’s advice. They believe that teachers are chosen by Buddha and if one wants to prosper and avoid bad ways, they have to listen to their teachers. It is for this reason that most of the Buddhist teachers are always elderly due to the experience that is needed to attain that position. Teachers are, therefore, much respected people in the society and a Buddhist will never disobey their teacher’s advice. Festivals According to Ashoka, festivals are like the only factor that unites Buddhists all over the world. She informed me that during those early days, it was a tradition for all Buddhists to come together and celebrate the full moon. During this time, they would all gather under the full moon and listen to various teachings and try as much as they could to meditate with their specif ic chants. Even though this festival is losing its taste due to the movement of Buddhists all over the world, it is still a common practice. Apart from this festival, there is the main Buddhist festival that creates a strong sense of belonging to all Buddhists. Their main ritual is known as the Puja and it is always performed by the teacher. The teacher is at the center while the other members of the group are outside and answer to the calls made by the teacher. This practice, according to Ashoka, is practiced to encourage their meditation and normal practices. Ashoka

E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

E-commerce - Essay Example An online portal is built to take advantage of an online publicity platform. With the intention to perform that, the majority thriving portals support website registered and unregistered users in a different way. Hence portal contribution to websites produces importance from both the customer’s perspective and the supporters. In this scenario, customers disburse not through cash (entire web-site material is open) however through details and the time. Additionally, they spend their precious time visiting website pages, electronic mails and RSS feeds, therefore generating publicity record which could be utilized to trade the contributor’s business products (inside publicity) and/or advertised to 3rd party (business outside publicity) on the basis of a CPM (cost per minute), CPC (cost per click) or CPA (cost per action) mechanism. For instance, a well-known web portal is one of the huge web surfing and information gateways. The web site material/content is organi zed from external supplies however identified with the Yahoo! title (e.g., Yahoo! Cars, Yahoo! Shows, Yahoo! Horoscopes, and Yahoo! Tourism. Moreover, these web portals derive profits from publicity and finances (Zarem, 2011). Auction sites The second model that I have chosen is about Auction sites. In this scenario, Ebay is a well-known Auction site. These auctions sites use many-to-many business model for generating profits. In addition, Elance is an additional high-quality instance of a flourishing many-to-many business model. It connects freelancers with their users/clients. In this way, both providers (freelancers) and clients communicate over a web technology based group of people (Starak, 2011). Moreover, it seems that more than 100,000 persons at the moment perform eBay businesses activities to earn a good share. Ebay posted an ad to offer a course to study how to establish an eBay business proficiently. Thus, that advertisement is attracting additional sellers and additiona l purchasers to eBay business. It is open TV publicity for eBay business performance (Starak, 2011). Dynamic Pricing Model A dynamic pricing business model engages changeable costs of business products or services on the basis of identifiers for instance flavor, accessibility and manufacturing costs. Additionally, this model was established by a famous airline company and it is currently utilized by more productions, comprising selling stores, as per stated by Virginia Commonwealth University. In addition, dynamic pricing model facilitates traders to adapt their advertising or records to their users, possibly making it hard ever as compared to a fixed-price model. So providing what users/consumers need at a particular cost they are prepared to disburse at that explicit time lessens consumption of business resources as well as, consequently, some sort of overhead (Fraser, 2011). B2B Exchange With the appearance of the web based technology like internet as an innovative technique of p erforming business activities and operations arrive an overflow of capitalists with massive useful thoughts for the upcoming period. A lot of these capitalists determined to spend inside the plan of the B2B sharing. Fundamentally, these distributions were only the web-sites somewhere

Monday, August 26, 2019

Performing Purchasing Agent Duties Research Paper

Performing Purchasing Agent Duties - Research Paper Example lso essential to know if the client has offered the same order to any other purchasing agent, as in such case, the chances of conflicts concerning the need of the client and the purpose of the contract might arise. As the order is of considerably huge value and quantity, it is also important to know if the delivery made in proportion shall be convenient for the client, which shall also minimize risks of damages, warehousing costs or chances of deadline failure. Insuring the property will also be an issue of concern in this contract. This request for proposal is intended to obtain your quotation in respect to our need for computer equipments and software. With this offer, the company shall put substantial significance to quality standards at the industry level with attractive benefits, looking for long-term association with the successful bidder(s). As the time of delivery is limited, the company, through this request for proposal, intends to obtain quotations from bidders with a capacity of serving at least 100 units within a notice of a month. Waters, Inc., an established customer service fulfillment business, has been dealing with clients who outsource to the Indian markets. Recently, Waters Inc. has signed a contract with a major client with an order of 250 computer equipments and software. The contract will take effect within nine months. Hence, Waters Inc. would like to procure the entire order within due time so that the quality of the products delivered can be tested and the supply procedure can be smoothened. The desired bidders must have relevant experience in producing and arranging different computer equipment parts. In lieu of the offer, Waters Inc. would also like to request for information on warranty and price quoted for the products. The products however should be authentic and any forgery to the same shall lead to the cancellation of the proposal. Correspondingly, a detailed description of the order has been presented as below. Waters Inc. will

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) isn't wrong. It just doesn't go Essay - 1

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) isn't wrong. It just doesn't go far enough. Discuss - Essay Example by the quÐ °ntity betÐ ° (ÃŽ ²) in the finÐ °nciÐ °l industry, Ð °s well Ð °s the expected return of the mÐ °rket Ð °nd the expected return of Ð ° theoreticÐ °l risk-free Ð °sset. The cÐ °pitÐ °l Ð °sset pricing model (CÐ PM) theory Ð °ssumes thÐ °t Ð °n investor expects Ð ° yield on Ð ° certÐ °in security equivÐ °lent to the risk free rÐ °te (sÐ °y thÐ °t rÐ °te Ð °chievÐ °ble on six-month TreÐ °sury bills) plus Ð ° premium bÐ °sed on mÐ °rket vÐ °riÐ °bility of return X Ð ° mÐ °rket risk premium. In Winter 1991, the mÐ °rket risk premium on listed U.S. common stocks Ð °ppeÐ °rs to hÐ °ve been Ð °bout 6.5%, Ð °ccording to stÐ °tistics published in the QuÐ °rterly Review, Winter 1991, by the FederÐ °l Reserve BÐ °nk of New York (though the Ibbotson study found it to exceed 8% from the mid 1920s through 1987). Thus in Ð ° period of 4% inflÐ °tion, the T-bill rÐ °te might be Ð °ppropriÐ °tely 4.5 to 5%; Ð ° four- or five-yeÐ °r TreÐ °sury note should hÐ °ve Ð ° yield of 5.5 to 6%; TreÐ °sury bonds should yield Ð ° percent higher thÐ °n this; Ð °nd corporÐ °te bond yields should hÐ °ve even higher returns to co mpensÐ °te for their Ð °dditionÐ °l credit or business risk. The cÐ °pitÐ °l Ð °sset pricing model for this scenÐ °rio suggests thÐ °t Ð °nnuÐ °l returns on low-betÐ ° electric utility might be .05 + .50 betÐ ° (.065) = 8.25%. Ð bout 75% of this might come from dividends Ð °nd the bÐ °lÐ °nce from expected growth in dividends over Ð °n extended time period. By contrÐ °st, Ð °n Ð °verÐ °ge stock with Ð ° betÐ ° of 1.00 should provide Ð ° rÐ °te of return of 4.5 to 5.0% plus the mÐ °rket premium of 6.5% or between 11 Ð °nd 12%. Ð  high-betÐ ° stock (one operÐ °ting in Ð ° cyclicÐ °l industry, for exÐ °mple) with Ð ° betÐ °, or relÐ °tive mÐ °rket volÐ °tility in price, of 1.50 should provide Ð ° mÐ °rket return of 5.0% + 1.50 (0.065) or Ð °bout 15%. We could convert these from eÐ °rnings price rÐ °tios to price-eÐ °rnings (P-E) rÐ °tios Ð °nd determine thÐ °t the electric utilities, in this scenÐ °rio, should trÐ °de Ð °t Ð °bout Ð ° 12 Ãâ€" P-E rÐ °tio Ð °nd the high-betÐ °

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Edvard Munch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Edvard Munch - Essay Example One of Munch's most widely recognized paintings is "The Scream". The painting depicts the fear and agony that Munch carried with him as he came to terms with the loss of his family through death and illness. The figure is seen haunted by the dark figures lurking in the past as he gapes in horror at the future ahead of him. The colors are dark and surreal which merge to form a vaguely recognizable landscape. As the colors swirl into the central theme of the canvas, they distort and twist the face of the subject. A tortured soul gripped with the fear of the impending apocalypse with nowhere to run. Munch pulls us into the horrifying world of loss and torment and in doing so we begin to hear "The Scream". "The Kiss", painted in 1897, comes from Munch's middle life and is a continuing theme of the love and women that populate his art. In "The Kiss", we see the image of lovers wrapped in embrace, alone and secure. The picture develops the figures as one body, faceless and without form as they meld into an inseparable image. Joined. yet isolated, they are serene as they are set away from the window and the outside world.

Friday, August 23, 2019


RELATE THE STRUCTURE OF EUKARYOTIC AND PROKARYOTIC CELL COMPONENTS AND ORGANELLES - Assignment Example The function of the plasma membrane in prokaryotes is to lend protection and act as a permeability barrier. In Eukaryotes the plasma membrane also consists of phospholipid layers and performs the same function as that in the prokaryotes. However, in prokaryotes, the structure of plasma membrane consists of hopanoids which are taken to be structural equivalent of sterols found in the Eukaryotic plasma membrane (Rohmer et al, 1984). Hopanoids help prokaryotic cells to adjust cell permeability and adapt to environmental conditions. The most basic difference between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells lies in the position of the DNA and this is basically reflected in their names. In a Eukaryotic cell most of DNA is in the cell organelle called nucleus which is bounded by a double membrane each of which is made up of phospholipids and proteins. The nucleus is the largest organelle in the eukaryotic cell. In case of a Prokaryotic cell, the DNA material lies concentrated in a region known as nucleiod which is not membrane bound. Ribosomes are present in prokaryotic as well as Eukaryotic cells. This cell organelle is slightly smaller in the Prokaryotes than in the Eukaryotes. In Prokaryotes, the ribosome is 70S and is about 2700kd in mass. The Eukaryotic ribosome are slightly larger and consist of 2 sub-units- a larger 60S subunit and a smaller 40S subunit which come together to form a 80S unit which is heavier at 4200kd (Stryer et al, 2002). Even though ribosome is involved in protein synthesis, the Eukaryotic protein synthesis is different from prokaryotic protein synthesis since in Eukaryotes the initiator tRNA is methionine while in case of Prokaryotes the initiator is a specialized tRNA. Prokaryotes lack mitochondria which in Eukaryotes serve as site of cellular respiration and plays pivotal role in metabolism. The structure of the mitochondria in a Eukaryotic cell is sausage shapes, with smooth outer membrane but folded inner

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Reseach on Performance Work Systems in Local Councils the Case of Harare City Council in Zimbabwe Essay Example for Free

Reseach on Performance Work Systems in Local Councils the Case of Harare City Council in Zimbabwe Essay 1.0 Introduction This chapter forms the basis of the study on the assessment on the role of high performance work systems have on Harare city council workers for effective and efficiency service delivery. This paper is going to provide a background of the study stating the problem, purpose and importance of the study. To add to the above, the objective, anticipated constraints and research questions, including literature review and research methodology are going to be highlighted. 1.1 Background of the study Performance has been a widely researched subject by most social scientist and industrial psychologist in an attempt to establish what motivates people to do what they do, and why they do it. An organisational performance has always been an issue for managers, as it is believed that satisfied workers tend to be more productive, creative and committed to their jobs. There is therefore need to establish whether high performance work systems are what bring satisfactory performance or there are other factors. High performance work systems is a complex and multifaceted concept, which can mean different things to different people. However, the researcher in this study attempted to establish the role of high performance systems, whether it brings positive or negative results with particular attention at Harare City Council. 1.2 Statement of the problem The dilemma at hand is that the Harare city council workers are said to be hindering the performance circles of which are of particular appeal to affect the residents. The council provide services to the residents which are not helpful but only distract them from developing their communities in the proper manner they desire. This is happening due to the failure by the council to carry out good research on its performance since today employees are expected to work in teams rather than solely on their own. They are expected to keep learning new skills and to assume broader roles through the employment security, selective hiring of new personnel, self-managed teams and decentralization of decision making as the basic principles of organizational design, comparatively high compensation contingent on organizational performance, extensive training, reduced status distinctions and barriers including dress, language office arrangements, and wage differences across levels, extensive sharing o f financial and performance information throughout the organisation. 1.3 Objectives of the study 1 To investigate and establish the role of high performance work systems in relation to organisational performance as this affects the service delivery. 2 To establish what causes poor performance and service delivery in the organisation. 3 To find out ways of maintaining and improving staff loyalty, motivation and performance. 4 To recommend on changes to improve council performance and staff welfare policy. 1.4 Significance of the study As a researcher it is of paramount importance to conduct a study on the role of high performance work systems by the local authority. One can easily notice that it is important to carry out this research as it: The research findings of this research were also intended to assist management in addressing concerns and expectations of staff in order to harness their full contribution and effort to the benefit of the organization. The organization would then use the research findings to redesign its human resources policies towards the workers welfare and provide the answers to the questions presented on the sub problems of the research problem. Employees could use the research as a platform to express their concerns and desires to management, which they would not probably get, and also use it as a reference point to those who would intend to do their own researches. 1.5 Literature review Review of related literature is the most important part of research. It refers to the systematic exploration of issues related to the one’s research which has been treated to date by various authors and authorities. According to the high performance work systems Assessment, â€Å"by social impacts we mean the consequences to human populations of any public or private actions that alter the ways in which people live, work, play, relate to one another, organise to meet their needs and generally cope as members of society.† The concept of high performance work systems and organisational performance High performance work systems have been defined as a distinctive managerial approach that enables high performance through people. (1987). High performance work systems are somewhat not quite the same as motivation, but the two are closely linked. Many thoughts and views have been developed to define performance at work but much of it explains one’s reaction, feelings and emotions towards the accomplishment of organisational goals. Many research studies were however founded to explain how people react in the manner they do in their jobs. Various factors have been associated with one’s performance. These factors include: * The level of pay and benefits, * The perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, * The quality of the working conditions, * Leadership and social relationships * The job itself. Different models were developed to account for the attitudes that people develop at various situations. The following models of job satisfaction shall be discussed to aid the understanding of high performance work systems at work. Classical theories of Maslow (1943), Herzberg (1968) and Vroom in relation to high performance work systems have been the basis of the modern day studies. Abram Maslow proposed a hierarchical theory of five needs, which gained popularity over the years and formed a basis for management studies to human motivation at work. Having been simplified by Clayton Alderfer made a fine-tuning to the hierarchical explanations of human needs to that of three levels. Abbreviated to ERG, (Existence, Relatedness and Growth), Existence needs constituted Maslow’s physiological and safety needs, and Relatedness included internal esteem and social needs and lastly, the Growth stage was made up of self actualisation and external esteem needs. The Wikipedia encyclopaedia cited various models of which can help to explain high performance work systems that were written to by different authors as follows: * The two-factor theory * The job characteristics model * The fulfilment theory * The equity theory These models shall be discussed below to aid the research to find the basis of high performance work systems in the workplace. Theories of Employee Motivation for performance The two-factor theory This theory also known as the motivator-hygiene theory is the work of Fredrick Herzberg (1968). The theory is on the premise that employee satisfaction has two dimensions namely â€Å"hygiene† and â€Å"motivation†. (Agarwal.1983). According to Herzberg, Hygiene factors include those aspects such as company policies, supervision, salary, interpersonal relations and working conditions. Motivators include those aspects that satisfy people such as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility and advancement. The model was criticised by researchers who failed to empirically measure of satisfaction as being a methodological artefact. (Wikipedia encyclopaedia). High performance work systems characteristics Model The model was proposed by Hackman and Oldham (1976), which states that there are five core job characteristics, which impact three critical psychological states. The five core job characteristics include: * Skill variety: employees use a variety of skills to complete their jobs, skills that have been acquired by long years of study and/ or experience and are the primary reason for their employment and work allocation in a business organisation * Task identity: involvement of the employee in all steps of the job, thus providing identification with the task. * Task significance: The significance of the job being properly executed to the well being of the organisation. * Autonomy: The freedom to do the job with responsibility and by oneself. * Feedback: The provision of feedback providing information about the excellence of performance of the job. The three psychological states include: * Experienced meaningfulness, * Experienced responsibility for outcomes, and * Knowledge of the actual results. The Fulfilment theory According to Agarwal (1983), fulfilment theory regard satisfaction as resulting from outcomes (rewards) a person receives or the extents to which a person’s needs are satisfied. The difficulty with the fulfilment approach is that satisfaction is a function of not only what a person receives but also what he feels he should receive and/or wants to receive. People have different expectations and what satisfies one may dissatisfy another. Equity Theory According to literature by Agarwal (1983), a person’s satisfaction is determined by his perceived equity. Received equity is, in turn, determined by his input-output balance as compared to his comparison others’ input-output balance. Input-output balance is a perceived ratio of what a person receives from his job relative to what he put in the job. According to the equity theory, either under reward or over reward can lead to dissatisfaction although the feeling associated with them are different. As illustrated by the following diagram the comparison may result in one feeling unfairly treated when outcome received appears lower than others or feels guilty when received more than others. The equity theory A Perceived outcomes actually received A = B Satisfaction A B Dissatisfaction A B Guilty and discomfort Perceived personal input B Perceived personal outcome that should be received Perceived outcome of comparison others Perceived input of comparison others Fig 1.Equity Theory (Agarwal 1983) Determinants of high performance work systems Agarwal (1983) says that there are various factors that determine performance. These are discussed below. Employee Supervision As with Herzberg hygiene factors, supervision is critical to provide leadership to employees’ performance. A good leader is one who establishes trust from his followers and promotes feedback. He knows how to treat employees at different situations. Research has shown that low performance and low productivity occurs when a supervisor is a laissez faire type of leader. Agarwal (1983). Research has also discovered that those people’s reason to seek employment is to get paid (money) though not a motivator but they desire to be paid fairly. Management must always ensure consult for salaries and benefits to see whether their employees match the market. (Putting Theory Into Practice, October 1999 publication) The work group in relation to employee performance Employees need to socialise with others to create an environment of belongingness, develop a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Social interaction creates organisational performance though depending on their affiliation. Inappropriate behaviour should not be encouraged though because of influences, but strong reprimands should be exercised. (Putting Theory Into Practice, October 1999 publication) Job content in relation to high performance work systems Employees need to feel that the work or task they are doing is of great importance to the company. Their contributions result in positive outcomes. It is therefore essential for management to recognise as an important a task to the overall achievement of the organizational goals. Agarwal cited Herzberg, Mauner and Suyderman as holding a view that job content factors such as achievement, recognition, advancement, responsibility and the work itself tend to provide satisfaction but their absence such as supervision, working condition, company policies and salary tend to produce dissatisfaction but their presence does not produce satisfaction. Age in relation to performance According to Agarwal (1983), some research works have reported a positive correlation between age and performance. Older workers tend to be more satisfied with their jobs than their younger counterparts because older workers are said to have adjusted to their jobs while young workers still have ambitions and need for advancement. Job Satisfaction and performance The analysis of results from the work of Herzberg et al, on twenty-six studies focusing on the relationship between job satisfaction and performance, fourteen of these showed that workers with positive job attitudes had higher performance than those with negative attitudes. Nine studies have shown that job attitudes and performance were not related, and in three studies, workers with positive attitudes had poorer performance records than those with negative attitudes. Lawler, 1977 and Porter, 1961, hold the view that it is productivity that leads to satisfaction and not the vice versa. Performance leads to rewards and if these rewards are considered to be equitable in relation to the perception of the worker of the rewards of his referent others and his perceptions of what he should receive, he will experience satisfaction. The following is the illustrative diagram. Model of performance leading to satisfaction Perceived equity of rewards in relation to referent others Performance Reward intrinsic extrinsic Satisfaction Perception of how much he should receive Fig 2.Source: Agarwal 1983: Model of performance leading to satisfaction Adapted from Lawler III Porter â€Å"The effect of Performance on job satisfaction†, Human relations, October, 1967 P23 1.5 Justification of the study The area of discussion is worth studying because it aims at alerting the management of the Harare City Council how their service provision are being hindered by the employee performance, thus organisational performance is affected as well. As such the research is vital as it will help in gathering or adding information on the importance of high performance work systems being as well as its importance to the Ministry of local government urban and rural development. The Minister will be able to see if there are any amendments which need to be done and if there are any gaps left which need to be filled. Furthermore the research will see the researcher attain the ultimate goal for a Bachelor of science Honours degree in Local Governance Studies 1.6 Research Methodology Various techniques will be exploited to achieve the proposed objectives of the study. Haralambos (1995:36) asserts that: Any academic subject requires methodology to reach its Conclusions, it must have ways of producing and analysing Data so that theories can be tested, accepted or rejected without a systematic way of producing knowledge the findings can be dismissed. The researcher is going to use both quantitative and qualitative techniques to come up with conclusions as both techniques can be used to complement each other as well as questionnaires. According to (2011), quantitative research is the numerical representation and manipulation of observations for the purpose of describing and explaining the phenomena that those observations reflect. It is bent on developing and employing mathematical models. On the other hand, Qualitative research is a method of inquiry appropriated in any different disciplines. It means a non numerical data collection or explanation based on the attributes of the source of data. Qualitative research is used to gain insight into peoples behaviour, attitudes, value systems, motivations concerns, aspirations, culture or lifestyles. Christensen (1994) expressed that a sample makes a better study. Leedy (1993) agreed with the same idea saying that, â€Å"the larger the sample the better.† I will select the people that are going to give relevant information to this study for example the most affected people and the possible problem solvers. 1.7 Research Tools (a) Interviews (Group The researcher intends to use interviews as a research technique. Gray et al (2007) allude that the best data gathering technique for survey research is the interview. These interviews will be done in groups so as to save time. (b) Observation The researcher will use observation in tackling the research problem. The rationale for using this technique is that the researcher intends to learn about the sensitive issues that participants might be unwilling to disclose or talk about with regards to the research. (c) Analysis of secondary sources The researcher will make use of other researchers that have been studied in relation to the field under study. This will be done in order to weigh the impacts that the previous researchers have had. Target Population The study will be focussing on the Harare City Council employees. Anticipated constrains Wikipedia (2011:4) notes that any limit or restriction given for the design process is called a constraint. The study is likely to encounter a number of challenges which may compromise the quality of research results and these include: (a)Access to information The information is mostly confidential in the Harare City Council thus releasing information might be problematic. Some may be reluctant to disclose such information as such the respondents will be guaranteed that their information will be treated with utmost privacy and confidentiality. (b)Resources Resources such as time and finance may compromise the quality of the research as the researcher is a student with other university commitments RESEARCH REFERENCE LIST Argawal R.D.(1983) Organisation and Management, Mcgraw-Hill, Tata Boxall P., Macky K. Rasmussen E., (2003)‘Labour turnover and retention in New Zealand; the causes and consequences of leaving and staying with employers’ Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. Vol 41 (2)., Cascio, W.F. (2003) Managing Human Resources: Productivity, quality of work Life profits (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Irwin. French, W.L. (1998) Human Resources Management. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company Ivancevich et al (1989):Foundations of Personnel ,Human Resources Management Kreitner, R., Kinicki, A. (2001) Organisational behaviour (5th ed.). Irwin McGraw-Hill. Milkovich, G.T., Boudreau, J.W. (1994) Human Resource Management (7th ed.). IRWIN Publishers, USA. Morrell W. H., Loan-Clarke J. Wilkinson J (2004), ‘Organisational change and employee turnover’, Personnel Review, vol 33 (2) Morris W.T. (1972). Management for Action: Psycho Technical Decision making. Reston. Mowday, R., Porter, L., Steers, R. (1982) Employee-organizations linkages – The Psychology of commitment, absenteeism and turnover: Academic Press, .London Rhodes, S.R., Steers, R.M. (1990)., Managing employee absenteeism Addison: Wesley Publishing Company, USA Spector, P.E. (1997)., Job satisfaction: Application, assessment, causes and Consequences: SAGE Publications, USA Van der Merwe, R., Miller, S.(1988),. Measuring absence and labour turnover: A Practical guide to recording and control. Lexicon Publishers., J

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Space Time Compression Essay Example for Free

Space Time Compression Essay Space time compression refers to the speed of transportation making places closer together in terms of social distance. In this free response answer it will highlight examples how technological advancements have connected people and places around the globe and also show the relation to distance decay and friction of distance. The internet has connected us to over millions of different sites and has allowed us to communicate almost instantly to anyone in the world. With the increase in social media sites and applications, using an application like Facebook, a person from the United States can instant message (IM) to their family member in Australia and â€Å"catch up† versus having to write a letter and take 6-7 business days to arrive. With Friction of Distance it would difficult for a person in the â€Å"old times† to write to someone in a different far away country, especially overseas. It would take much energy and effort to get a letter from the United States to Australia; first you would have to use the Pony Express then send it overseas and take it one month to arrive. Today the evolvement of transportation has surpassed any sort of transportation back in the ages. With cars, trains, jets, cruise liners, the ability to transport or travel is faster than ever before. The first earth tracks were created by humans carrying goods and often followed game trails. Now they have major highways and motored vehicles. Distance decay is decreased because of the amount of tourism in the world. It allows other people from different places in the world to interact with one another. With technological advancements in transportation and communication it has allowed many people and places to have greater interaction because of space-time compression.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Comparison of the Olive Oil companies

Comparison of the Olive Oil companies The number of the companies that are managing to go internationally is raising every day. Organizations benefit from the globalisation because now there are much more opportunities to expand internationally and enter new markets. As the world is becoming more and more connected most of the companies are getting excited with the idea of increasing their market share in other countries (Root, 1994). There are a lot of countries which are trying to participate in the global industry of the olive oil and are attempting to produce and export this golden liquid. The main players in this marketing field are the countries which are located in the Mediterranean sea, such as Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal (Appendix A1). Countries with no traditional backgrounds such as America, Tunisia and Australia are getting also competitive. The competition firstly started with Spain and Italy being the leaders of the market. Globally, the olive oil industry is regulated by three main bodies (Olive oil council, EU, World trade organization) that support and help them controlling the trade of olive oil and ensure the high quality. According to internationaloliveoil 2009, Spain is the main producer of olive oil (Appendix A). Due to overcapacity in the market the European Commission has increased the standards of olive oils quality. A strategy called Olive Oil Quality was introduced in order to make possible a better distinction of high and low quality (Appendix A2). Valceschini, (1999) stated that the aims of this strategy was to certify the quality in order to meet different customer demands. Spanish olive oil market According to Mintel (2009) in 2008 the sales of olive oil fall 2.5% expecting the rates to reach 1.896 million for 2009. The sector has been having difficult times because of fall in unit prices caused by heavy olive harvest, overstocking, falling export decline in demand mainly in countries where olive oil is considered a premium product. As there is almost no innovation, the competition is concentrated mostly on price, which diverse the consumer choice. The economic crisis is forcing the companies to concentrate more on quality, brands diversifications, and products that are more affordable. The model of Spanish olive oil industry is based on family own businesses and this condition has little chances to bring any innovation and promotion changes to the olive oil sector. Nowadays the companies have put a lot of efforts on promotion and the quality of the olive oil which must fill all the European standard as far as olive oil is concerned (Mintel 2009) PETROLIVA Established in Spain in the middle of 19th century is one of the main dominant players that operate successfully in the olive oil market. Initially the firm was involved in buying and selling small amounts of olive oil. Having a successful history of 70 years, now Petroliva, a family owned company, is one of the most famous companies in its industry. The product list of the company includes several types of oil, such as: extra virgin olive oil and sunflower oil. Petrolivas products are currently used all over the world by millions of people and its products are present in twelve countries of Europe, Asia and America. A high percentage of its revenue is derives from its export activities. Having developed efficient distribution channels worldwide the company now seeks to grow more entering also other countries. Of high importance is the fact that companys customers include big companies such as restaurants and hotels. Its main target now is to enter the developed UK market. Spain and UK are members of the European Union, which makes the trade between them even easier. Having built a strong brand image in its home market and in other countries Petroliva has all the necessary qualities to expand even more (notes from case study) (Appendix B). P.E.S.T analysis The PEST analysis is a functional tool which helps the company in scanning the market (either development or market decrease), understand the market situation, points the possibilities and the guidance for a business.(Chapman, 2006). In order to enter the UK market, a PEST analysis is needed for Petroliva to evaluate the market conditions. Political Factors The UK presently is a steady and prolific environment for making business. Being part of organizations like the EU, NATO, United Nations, WTO, G8, and OECD means that its performance is connected with these organizations. Great Britain is a region of the worlds biggest trading entity. UK is a stable country meaning that the government is balanced and there are not political risk .In UK there are many regulations about the csr system, building many market regulations for exporting companies.UK laws on retailers are not so strict if we take into consideration that there are supermarkets that operates 24 hours. Due to the fact that UK is part of EU makes it easier for Spanish companies to enter its market and comply with the existing regulations (Economy watch, 2010). Economic Factors According to Economy watch (2010) the British economy is the 2nd largest in Europe and the 5th in the world with GDP of 2,789 million US $. The UK economy is still trying to recover from one of the worst recession ever. The higher volume sales of olive oil are caused by the tendency of cooking at home due to that recession. It is positive for Petroliva the fact that the British pound now is weaker and there is not a big difference between two currencies. So the exchange rate is not going to have high impact on the price of the product. The British pound currency is quite stable making the export less risky. Comparing to other countries the taxation and the entry barriers are not high for entrepreneurs in UK (Economy watch, 2010). Looking the food market in UK we can see that the spreadable oils, the fats and the olive oil are expected to be the fastest growing sectors. Values sales in 2009 are estimated to grow at a rate of 8% (Mintel 2009) Social Factors The UK has the best international reputation for being a working country and possesses the most skillful workforce in Europe. The country is the most international in Europe, with a lot of cultures, many religions, leading the customers to be open for new products (e.g. olive oil).The UK citizens are environmental friendly, so Petroliva must be friendly to the environment (e.g. must do recycling and have waste collaboration devices.). British people are changing their eating habits because they have realised the health benefits that are associated with Mediterranean food and the ingredients that make that food (e.g. olive oil). When it comes to the standards of living the private consumption is approximately 26 million euro, meaning that the market is big and the customers are rich. (Answers, 2010). (Appendix C) Technological Factors The UK is ranked in the 6th place in the world for the high technology used by manufacturers. Improvements in new technologies and UK online services may help Petroliva in the marketing and promotion of its products. The country is technological developed meaning that there are plenty of information for companies to exploit in order to make their supplying channels. Benefiting from the new technology there must be an enduring development from the companies in the UK in order to be more competitive (Innovate UK, 2010). Moreover, to meet the UK quality control requirements companies must multiply the needs for technological equipments. Petroliva should choose to enter the UK market because: There is a huge base of potential customers. There is an increasing demand for olive oil. The British are changing their eating habits. Within the EU there are not barriers, and the UK government rules are not strict. UK has one of the highest GDP in EU and the country is getting out of the recession which should impact the level of consumption spending. PORTERS FIVE FORCE ANALYSIS According to Porter (2008) there are five forces that direct every company and affect the strength, the direction of the competition and the profits of a company. These forces are: The bargaining power of the buyers. The ability that customers have to force down the prices. In commodity market customers are price conscious making them able to decrease the prices as there are also other choices. To have power the company should provide to them packages of excellent quality, logical price and use its environmental image in order to create loyalty between customers and company (Lee, D.Y. 2000)(Appendix D) The bargaining power of the suppliers. The ability of the suppliers to increase the delivery price/time of the products. Most of the problems in this field come from the wrong agreements between firms and supplying companies. Having a good contract with the suppliers and making sure that the agreement benefits both supplier and company, the competition will slow down. (Jones P et al, 2005)(Appendix E) Rivalry among existing competitors. The competition in the UK olive oil market is fierce with main players companies from countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece. According to Haymarket business (2003) the UK market leaders are Filippo Berio and Carapelli (Appendix F, G). Both of them have Italian backgrounds and share a big percentage of the olive oil market in the UK (Appendix G1). (See figure 2). Threat of new entrants. Countries with no traditional background such as America, Africa, Asia, Syria and Turkey are trying to enter the market making the competition even more difficult. Having a strong brand image and high quality Petroliva may avoid threats that come from new entrants. Threat of substitutes. Nowadays more and more technologically advanced materials are used in order to find which olive oil possible choice is more environmental and cheap. The supermarkets promote in an active manner their own-label products (Vegetable oils, Sunflower oils, Tesco oil, Asda oil) making it difficult for the consumers to chose between the low cost products and quality products. This variety of oils can confuse the British customers because they are not aware of the differences between the oils and the olive oil health benefits (the Independent, 2009). MODES OF ENTRY When a company has made the decision to go into a foreign market, there is a big question of choosing the best way to enter the market. Companies can use exporting, licensing, joint venture or WOS (new wholly owned subsidiary) in order to enter a new market (Ireland et al, 2007) Exporting This strategy is the easiest way to enter a new market. According to this mode products are produced in the domestic market and then are transferred to the foreign target market. There are two stages in this category: Direct export- The exporter deals with every aspect of the procedure. (agents, distributors, foreign retailers) Indirect export- this method does not require large amounts for marketing investment, but the company loses the control. (piggyback marketing, franchising, contract manufacturing) (Kotler Keller, 2006, p 674 675) Licensing The licensing mode is an arrangement between the importing company and the domestic company. The lifetime of the contract is small and aims in the utilization of licensors industrial assets (Kotler Keller, 2006, p 676) Joint venture This manner of operation is the less risky mode of entering a market because there is an arrangement with the hosting company for sharing equity and the business command (Kotler Keller, 2006, p 676-677) WOS (new Wholly Owned Subsidiary) According to Ireland et al (2007) this entry mode is referring to firms that want to fully own the facilities of their production. In this mode company has the overall control but it is costly and also it has higher risks.(Ireland et al, 2007, p. 228). According to Woodcock et al, (1994) in the entering process at a foreign market a company must identify three attributes: The recourse commitment that is required. (The company is a SME, and there is no need of risks and big investments) The company control amount (Petroliva is already present in many markets, meaning that company wants the total control in UK) Technology risk ( Having the best quality and the right managerial control, it is not difficult for petroliva to adjust) (Woodcock et al, 1994) PETROLIVAS MODE OF ENTRY IN UK Taking into consideration the modes of entry the less expensive and risky way to enter the market is by exporting. According to Ireland et al (2007), exporting does not demand the products to be produced in the objective-target country (Ireland et al, 2007). It is better for Petroliva to use the direct exporting mode because there will be no investment in the UK for production facilities. Petroliva is already present in many markets through exporting its products. Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that the company has high experience and has established its channels and created distributorships to export its products. In this mode Petroliva can have control over the entire export transaction. This way of direct-exporting will also be the best way for Petroliva to obtain maximum profits and the economic growth will be long termed. Company should make contracts with distributors who will carry the product and then supply them to retailers or dealers. Furthermore, Petroliva may sell as well at foreign retailers and then the retailers will make the connection with the customers. Being a SME company, Petroliva cannot use other modes of entry because the competition is high and the company must avoid risky moves in the market. Companys benefits for applying the direct exporting mode of entry in UK are: Entry very fast in the UK market. Increase the company/product scale using facilities that already exist. Reduce the investments in the UK. Overall control from the company. Minimize the risk with competitors or government rules. The importing policies are very liberal making the transporting easier. (Quickmba, 2010) ENTRY STRATEGY-POSITIONING According to Ireland at al (2007) an appropriate and interesting position for a company is the situation that allows the firm to hold competitive advantage over its competitors (Ireland et al, 2007) There are three generic strategies for a company: Cost leadership. The company focus on obtaining a low cost competitive position compared to rival companies. Focus strategy. This category is a set of actions which are used to make products for a particular target group. Differentiation strategy. The company focuses on the creation of a unique product of high quality and features to build a strong brand image. (Ireland et al, 2007). PETROLIVAS STRATEGY (Differentiation) Entering the UK market with a cost leadership strategy may be a mistake because Petrolivas oil quality is excellent and there is no need to drop off the quality in order to offer lower prices. The focus strategy is not appropriate for Petroliva because olive oil can be used by all the social ranks and ages. Petroliva targets almost all the groups of customers and regions in UK that seek for a product of high quality so focusing on specific groups is not necessary. Implementing a differentiation strategy is the most suitable for Petroliva because the company has an excellent quality of oil. A different product of high quality with a unique design-image will benefit the company when entering UK. To figure out why a company will stand out from its competitors in Uk market it should be answered the question why customers will choose to buy its products? The reason that customer will choose to buy Petrolivas product is because it is going to offer them olive oil of high quality at reasona ble price. This strategys aims are to offer to the customers a unique product with excellent features. Petroliva should emphasize on its unique product features (size, design, quality, package and health benefits) in order to increase sales and gain market share. By pursuing this strategy the company will have as a main goal to meet customers specific needs. Entering the UK for the first time, it will be difficult for the company to focus only on supplying companies. Therefore, Petroliva should consider both B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) ways. Company can implement the differentiation strategy by applying the Marketing Mix concept which is commonly used by International Businesses which are implementing an International Marketing Strategy (Bennett, A. 1997). According to Armstrong Kotler (2003) the key factors of the marketing mix are: price, product, place and promotion. These key factors have a target of influencing the buyers decision (Armstrong Kotler, 2003 p. 17). To differentiate its products I suggest the below features that Petrolivas products should have. Product Bottle size: To differentiate from existing companies in UK an emphasis in the bottle should be given because it is an important element that influences the sales. Petroliva should focus in the category of 125ml and 250ml because these sizes offer to customers two benefits: firstly to introduce Petrolivas products to them and secondly to inspire them to try and experience its olive oil. (Appendix H1) Package: PET bottle is the best solution for the company. Being cheap and environmental friendly this kind of bottle will benefit company in its costs and also will attract customers (, 2010). (Appendix H2) Price According to Griffin and Pustay (2007) pricing policies are very important because they affect the success of the firm. Petroliva should try to find the best possible price after making a research in UK prices and also calculating the costs that the olive oil has from its production until delivering to the customer. In this way company can find a price that attracts customers and also offers good margins to the company. Place The best combination of communication channels, retailers and the perfect distributors it is needed in this category (Griffin and Pustay, 2007). The product will be distributed at the most profitable supermarkets, small and big retail shops, and gift shops. The retailers below are the best choice to sell its products. Promotion For the promotion stage Petroliva should use three marketing approaches. Television Internet Print The best promotion ways to reach faster market response are: Billboard advertising of Petrolivas product in UK ( creates curiosity to the customers) Cooking magazines- Cooking lifestyle magazines Supermarket magazines Sponsoring( Food TV, Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson) Websites Cooking Lifestyle TV programs. Offer gifts (cups, cooking accessories). (Appendix H3) Cavusgil et al (2008) CONCLUSION (Appendix I) Taking into consideration the above analysis from my point of view the best way for Petroliva to enter the UK market is by exporting (direct) and by using a differentiation strategy. Petroliva is a small company and there are a lot of risks if the company chooses other options in order to enter the market. The benefits of direct exporting for Petroliva will be to minimize the needed investment in UK, to enter the market fast and to minimize government/rival risks. Moreover, knowing that the competition in UK market is fierce in this industry, it is better for the company to choose a differentiation strategy in order to attract customers by offering them a product of better quality. Following the strategies, practices and processes that I suggested above in this paper the company will have the most possible success entering this market. A new different product of high quality at a reasonable price has all the potential to have great success in a new market where customers are price co nscious and also want the best possible quality (Appendix I).

Caring For an Aboriginal Patient with Chronic Renal Failure Essay

There's someone's first name in there ********************************************************************************************** Blood and urine studies which are taken from individuals experiencing renal failure manifest deviation in the result and show symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, impaired thought processes, lethargy and headaches. This is due to the decrease in function of the glomerulus causing their inability to filter urea and creatinine in the blood and excrete waste products from the Central Nervous and Gastrointestinal systems (Mathers and Bonner, 2008, p.1295). In the assessment, she presented with an itchy face (pruritus) as a result of dry skin, calcium phosphate deposition in the skin and sensory neuropathy (Mathers and Bonner, 2008, p. 1298). The client is also experiencing anorexia, nausea and vomiting caused by irritation of the GI tract by waste products which contribute to weight loss and malnutrition (Mathers and Bonner, 2008, p. 1297). Glenda’s feeling of lethargy and confusion may be attributed to increase nitrogenous waste products, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis and demyelination of nerve fibers (Mathers and Bonner, 2008, p. 1298). Glenda’s laboratory findings was found to have high levels of serum creatinine with 1132 umoL/L and urea level with 45 mmol/L, that is normally 60-130 ummoL/L and 3-8 mmol/L, respectively (Callaghan, 2009, Appendix). This finding may suggest a decrease in glomerular and tubular function in the kidney, when in normal conditions, serve to filter and secre... LaCharity, L. (2013). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care. Missouri (United States). Saunders. Mathers, T. & Bonner, A., (2008). Acute Renal Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease. In Brown, D. & Edwards, H. Lewis’s Medical- Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. Australia. Elsevier. Stanley, D. (2012). Health, Wellness and Illness. In A. Berman & S. Snyder (Eds). Kozier and Erb Fundamentals of Nursing. French Forest. Pearson Australia. Staunton, P. & Chiarella, M. (2013). Law Nurses and Midwives. Victoria (Australia). Elsevier. Thackrah, R., & Scott, K. (2010). Indigenous Australian Health and Cultures. Australia. Pearson. Thomson, N. (2009). The Health of Indigenous Australians. Victoria, Australia. Oxford University Press.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Educational Philosophy :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays

Educational Philosophy An educational philosophy is a conceptual framework of personal and professional beliefs. Experiences both inside and outside of the classroom will alter this philosophy. An educator’s philosophy is ever changing and should be reviewed and rethought periodically. However, at this philosophies core some elements should never change. This paper will attempt to shed light on what I believe to be concrete elements of any good teacher’s philosophy. While investigating my personal thoughts and desires as to how I hope to achieve maximum learning. My personal strategy to develop self-motivated learners. Concord College prepares it’s education majors well. We have been given a proper foundation to build upon. We have been taught the proper methods and theories. While given an opportunity to develop our skills through it’s teaching internships and assignments. The Concord College Teacher Education program’s goal is to build â€Å"informed thoughtful decision makers.† This goal has been met. The importance of constantly making proactive, interactive, and retroactive decisions has registered with me. What is illuminated in my mind is the fact that teaching is both and art and a science. In this case the science is what I have coined as concrete elements of a good teachers philosophy. While the art is how I will manage to manipulate my personal teaching characteristics to the maximum benefit for students. The science or concrete elements of my philosophy is basically what all good teachers must do. This is not should do, but must do. The first is to know their subject matter extensively. They must know general teaching strategies and search for or develop new teaching strategies. Teachers must use the appropriate grade level and take in account the ability levels of a class. Teachers must be sensitive to each individual students culture, socio-economic level, gender, and ability level. For all of these items effect student learning and the classroom. Perhaps, the most important element is knowing how students learn. Teachers must have the ability to incorporate many different styles of lesson plans and keep every single student in mind when designing the plans.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Frank Liszt Essay -- essays research papers

Franz Liszt was born on October 22, 1811 and lived until July 31, 1886. He was taught the piano by his father and then Czerny (Vienna, 1822-1823), making himself known as a remarkable concert artist by the age of 12. In Paris he studied theory and composition with Reicha and Paer; he wrote an opera and bravura piano pieces and went on tours in France, Switzerland and England before his bad health and religious doubt made him rethink his career. Intellectual growth came through literature, and the urge to create through hearing opera and especially Paganini, whose influence effected Liszt. He eagerly transferred to the piano in original works and operatic fantasias. Meanwhile he gave lessons and began his stormy relationship (1833-1844) with the (married) Countess Marie d'Agoult. They lived in Switzerland and Italy and had three children. He gave concerts in Paris, maintaining his legendary reputation, and published some essays, but was active chiefly as a composer (Annees de pèlerinage). To help raise funds for the Bonn Beethoven monument, he resumed the life of a travelling virtuoso (1839-1847); he was admired everywhere, from Ireland to Turkey, Portugal to Russia. In 1848, he took up a full-time job conducting post at the Weimar court. Living with Princess Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein, he wrote or revised most of the major works for which he is known, conducted new operas by Wagner, Berlioz and Verdi and, as the teacher of Hans von Bülow and ot...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Basis for Today’s Weapons of War

During World War Two, many types of technology were being invented and advanced. Most types of technology are often discovered by or at least first utilized by the government and military, and there is no time in which this is more evident then in wartime. All countries want to be the most advanced and have the newest technology that would be even unimaginable to their counterparts. World War Two was in some ways, the beginning of a time filled with much technological advancement. All of the more prominent countries of the free world were involved in advancing these new types of technology. Some countries were the engineers and others were the followers. The United Sates, who remained neural during the first half of the war, were the most prominent engineers of this time of technological advancement. Many new weapons were being used by all of the countries built with technology first developed by the United States. Decoding machines were becoming more prevalent in this War then in any other before. Aviation technology, along with submarines were being advanced. And of the most useful aspects of technology in World War Two, was Nuclear Energy. The advancement of nuclear technology as used in the invention of the Atomic Bomb was the most valuable of all the types of technological advancement in World War Two. The discovery of x-rays in 1895 was the first step toward nuclear energy research. Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays in 1895 when he noticed that some fluorescent material was glowing that he had laying near a covered cathode ray tube (Rhodes, 42). When he put his hand between the tube and the material he could see the glow was a little more dull but still visible. He could also see bones of his hand as a refection on the material. Roentgen realized that whatever the substance was that was making the material glow, was penetrating the black paper cover of the tube and thus creating this reflection. After Roentgen†s discovery of the x-rays, in 1896, Henri Becquerel wondered what the substance was that could make the fluorescent material glow. He conducted some research of his own only to discover radioactivity. However, it was not named radioactivity until later by Marie Curie. Becquerel discovered the first radioactive element of Uranium. Himself, Curie and others went on to discover many other radioactive elements. Radium was discovered by Curie in 1898 and found to emit more heat at one time then any other substance (Walker). Another chemical/physical process was not found that could change the release rate of energy until 1939 when uranium fission was discovered. These discoveries came right in time for WWII. This was the beginning of atomic research by the United States as well as other countries. President Franklin D Roosevelt received a letter from Albert Einstein in August of 1939 informing of German Atomic research and the potential for a bomb. Roosevelt immediately â€Å"†¦ ormed committees to investigate military implications of atomic research (EM)†. In the mean time, the United States, whom was neutral prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor in December of 1941 by Japan, entered the war. The United States were now in more of a hurry to research atomic energy. After much more research, the United States decides to start the building of an atomic bomb, before the Germans (Rhodes, 431). This secret project was known as the Manhattan Project with General Leslie Groves in charge. Locations that contained research facilities were Washington, Tennessee, and New Mexico. Much research was also done at many university laboratories that included Columbia, New York and Berkeley, California. Many people, including civilians were hired for this top-secret mission. The employees did not even know what they were working on until the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. The site chosen for the center laboratory in November 1942 was in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Robert Oppenheimer was selected as the director of this site (Hoddeson, 6). The goal to be achieved at this site was to create a bomb small enough that could be carried by an airplane but also contain enough nuclear power. The scientists at the Los Alamos site were simply told that they were working on a project that may help end the war. Altogether, 5,000 people worked and lived with their families at Los Alamos. 300,000 people across the states were involved in the project. Many experiments and tests of nuclear energy were performed but never a full-scale test of an actual explosive weapon until July 1945, 18 months after a site was established to do so (Rhodes, 667). This site was to be known as Trinity and it opened in March 1944 in Alamagordo, New Mexico. In July 1945, the first successful test of a nuclear weapon was complete. President Franklin D. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 of a cerebral hemorrhage. Vice President Harry Truman knew nothing about the Manhattan Project and was briefly informed of it the same day that he took over the Presidency. President Truman, who had taken over office only 4 months sooner, made the decision to drop the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945. Nagasaki, Japan was also bombed on August 9, 1945. The United States had succeeded in being the first in detonating an Atomic Bomb. The time and money that the United States had put into atomic research had paid off. Japan Surrendered and World War Two would soon come to an end. The end of World War Two brought along with it another beginning – The beginning of the Cold War. The years of the Cold War included a great threat in which many countries were at a race for nuclear warheads. The Soviet Union and the United States were the most prominent of these countries. Between the two, they had more than 40,000 nuclear bombs (Drell, 132). This made up 99 percent of all the nuclear explosives in the world. This threat lasted until the Cold War ended in November of 1990. This was done by a pact signed at the United Nations Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (EM). In July 1991, the United States and the Soviet Union also signed their own pact to cut back on nuclear arms by more than 30 percent within a time period of seven years. After the United States dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not only did it bring with it the Cold War, but also the after effects of the nuclear explosions. Although World War two ended in August of 1945, the underlying effects of the atomic bomb have stayed with us, not to mention the immediate effects. The immediate effect of course included the destroyed cities and many casualties. In Hiroshima, the deaths that occurred the same day and were caused by the blast totaled to 45,000. The deaths that occurred 2 days – 4 months afterward came up to 19,000 (Kondo, 4). The numbers of deaths in Nagasaki were slightly less. 22,000 immediate casualties from the initial blast and 2 days – 4 months later there were 17,000 deaths due to the bombing. This is not mentioning the other surviving casualties who suffer from other effects. There was more surviving casualties then deaths caused by the bombings. The most recent data showed there to be 73,884 people dead and 74,909 people injured (Kondo, 4). Of the people that died 2 days to 4 months after the bombing, the causes of death consisted of burns, lesions, and radioactivity and bone marrow injury. Many of the people that did survive lost their homes and their means of survival. All of the survivors in the areas in and around Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered from immense amounts of radiation and radioactive fall-out caused by the bombings. Some died of the initial radiation, but more died of residual radiation. Of the people that died of a bone marrow injury, it was mostly because the leukocyte count was so low. The people did not have enough white blood cells, the cells that fight sickness and infection, to heal themselves (Kondo, 7). People with open wounds, lesions, died of infectious disease. And others suffered from heat caused by the blast and serious burns that could not heal. It is believed that the radiation resulting from the bomb is responsible for many defects that occurred in newborn babies. Atomic energy is a very serious type of technology. It is in no way meant to be taken lightly. This is the one type of technology created by humans that could bring about the destruction of all humankind. While it was very useful in bringing about the end of World War Two, it could just as easily start other wars. Many lives were probably saved by the use of the Atomic Bomb in WWII. Had the war continued, many more people from many countries would have died. It is evident that the bombings created a tremendous amount of grief caused by the pollution and medical effects. Many efforts still exist to this day to treat people suffering from the underlying effects of the bomb and to clean up much of the land and air pollution that was caused by the radiation. Today, there are many other uses of nuclear energy rather than just bombs. There are many nuclear power plants. Efforts are also being made to keep these plants under control and to regulate the amount of waste and pollution produced by them. I hope that we are all aware of the many advantages of nuclear energy and appreciate it but also to know of the many dangers created by nuclear energy as well.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Using Fun Activities to Improve Speaking Skill

by : enisa cahya . [email  protected] com Using Fun Activities to Improve speaking skill for senior high school learners There are many definition of speaking. Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English. It is important for students to known definition first. Many experts define speaking in different ways. Brown and Yule (1989) stated in their book. The speakers say words to the listener not only to express what in her mind but also to express what he needs whether information service.Most people might spend of  their everyday life in communicating with other. According to Syafrudin (2001) speaking is as active productive skill makes us of oral communication. Finocchiro and Bonomo (2001) stated that speaking as one or more sound make by human being for purposing of  communication. Beside, Chaney in Alfira (1998) says that speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning. So, the student should have capability in telling their i deas about some  problems or some things.The goal of speaking is to improve students ¶ communicative skill. By telling their ideas, the students can improve their speaking ability and increase their confidence. Mc. Donough and shaw (1993) says speaking is the ways to express ideas and opinion, expressing and desire to do something, negotiating or solving a particular problem, and maintaining social relationship and friendship. Long and Richard ( 1982 ) says speaking is a complex set of ability that involve many component, including pronunciations, listening and grammar skill.From the explanation above it can conducted that speaking is very important to communicated with others to take and give information learning language speaking skill should  be taught and practiced in the classroom event in real life situation, in order to an able our  students to communicate effectively and accurately by using component such as vocabulary and  pronunciation, fluency and basic grammati cal pattern. Video is one of the technological aids that use in the classroom nowadays.Video is an extremely use media which incorporates a wide variety at visual element and a great range of  audio experiences in additional to spoken language based on speaking descriptive text. Sane (2009) stated that video is the technology to capture, record, and process, transmit and rearrange the moving picture also video can use for tutorials, videos for learning, and even videos for  entertainment or for documentation of activities. It means in teaching English language we can use video to make students not bored and like to study English language.To improve the students speaking ability, it needs innovation and creation to motivate them while learning speaking skill. Therefore, the teachers need to prepare the material, for example the teacher commands the students to prepare a dialogue based on a video that has been watched. Teaching speaking to the students needs innovation and creatio n to motivate them while learning speaking. One way that can be used by the teacher is by using media especially video. The advantages of teaching speaking by using video are to create enjoy and fun atmosphere in teaching learning process.These media are really useful and helpful for the student. Besides, video are also used to motivate the students in learning English. Teaching by using video is used to give variety in explaining material. Like Stempleski (1987) that said video can be used in a variety of instructional setting such as in classroom and in self study and evaluation situation. Every person will have different to describe same video. It will motivate them to have an opportunity to tell what they see about the video. There are another ways to teach English besides Video, games also appropriate to improve speaking skill for students.There are many reasons a teacher uses games in teaching speaking. Games give students chance to use English orally, it means that students c an  practice and develop their ability to speak English. Games provide fun and relax while remaining very much within the framework of language learning. It is expected for shy or slow learners can be active participants to show their ability and find their confidence in communicating in the foreign language. Games are not just time filling activities in the class, but also have a great educational value. W. R.Lee (in Uberman,2002) holds that most language games make learners use the language instantly without thinking about the correct form of the language itself. So at this phase, the language games can lower students’ anxiety in using the target language, they are also highly motivating and entertaining so that the shy students will get more opportunities to express their opinion and feeling. Further suppport comes from Zdybiewska (as cited in Uberman,2002), she believes that games can be a good way in practicing the target language that being learned by the children, si nce they are able to provide a model of language on what the earners will use in the real life According to Betteridge and Buckby (1990), â€Å"Essentially, in guessing and speculating games, some one knows something and the others must find out what it is. † In addition, Merriem Webster (1986) said that â€Å"Guessing games is game in which the participates compete individually or team in the identification of something indicate obscurely (as in riddles or charades). Based on the definition, it can be conclude that guessing games is a game in which a person or participant knows something and competes individually or in a team to identify or to find out it.There are many concepts of guessing games, which can be applied in teaching speaking. According to Richard – Amato (1988), â€Å"Guessing games can be used to develop or reinforce concept, to add diversion to regular activities, or just to break the ice. However, their must important function is to give practice in communication. † It says that guessing games give students do not feel bored during learning process. Nevertheless, the most important thing is to give the students in practicing their English. Based on the statement above, we can conclude that guessing games give students more chance in formulating question.But we know that language classes are spent answering questions puts forth by the teacher or text book. This idea is also supported by Silver (1980) : â€Å"Language classes are often inadvertently structured so that most of the students speaking time is spent answering questions put forth by teacher or text book: as a result the students often have difficultly in forming own question. So, by using this game students are asked to practice in formulating questions. Here the students can apply their ability in using question – word (WH) question.